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  • Osmo Discount
The Vault/

Velocity Based Custom Cursor

Velocity Based Custom Cursor




Setup: External Scripts

External Scripts in Webflow

Make sure to always put the External Scripts before the Javascript step of the resource.

In this video you learn where to put these in your Webflow project? Or how to include a paid GSAP Club plugin in your project?



Step 1: Copy structure to Webflow

Copy structure to Webflow

In the video below we described how you can copy + paste the structure of this resource to your Webflow project.

Copy to Webflow

Webflow structure is not required for this resource.

Step 1: Add HTML


<div class="cursor">
  <svg xmlns="" width="100%" viewbox="0 0 25 38" fill="none" class="cursor-inner regular">
    <path d="M2.5 0H0.5V34H4.5V32H6.5V30H8.5V28H10.5V32H12.5V36H14.5V38H18.5V36H20.5V32H18.5V28H16.5V26H24.5V22H22.5V20H20.5V18H18.5V16H16.5V14H14.5V12H12.5V10H10.5V8H8.5V6H6.5V4H4.5V2H2.5V0Z" fill="#131313"></path>
    <path d="M4.5 4H2.5V32H4.5V30H6.5V28H8.5V26H10.5V28H12.5V32H14.5V36H18.5V32H16.5V28H14.5V24H22.5V22H20.5V20H18.5V18H16.5V16H14.5V14H12.5V12H10.5V10H8.5V8H6.5V6H4.5V4Z" fill="#EFEEEC"></path>
  <svg xmlns="" width="100%" viewbox="0 0 30 38" fill="none" class="cursor-inner pointer">
    <path d="M12.3529 0H8.82353V1.72727L7.05882 1.72727V17.2727H5.29412L5.29412 15.5455H0V20.7273H1.76471V22.4545H3.52941V25.9091H5.29412V29.3636H7.05882V32.8182H8.82353V38H26.4706V32.8182H28.2353V27.6364H30V15.5455H28.2353V13.8182H26.4706V12.0909H22.9412L22.9412 10.3636H17.6471V8.63636H14.1176V1.72727L12.3529 1.72727V0Z" fill="#131313"></path>
    <path d="M8.82347 1.72729V20.7273H7.05877V19H5.29406V17.2727H1.76465V20.7273H3.52935V22.4546H5.29406V25.9091H7.05877V29.3637H8.82347V32.8182H10.5882V36.2727H24.7058V32.8182H26.4705V27.6364H28.2352V15.5455H26.4705V13.8182H24.7058V19H22.9411V12.0909H19.4117V17.2727H17.647V10.3637H14.1176V17.2727H12.3529V1.72729H8.82347Z" fill="#EFEEEC"></path>

HTML structure is not required for this resource.

Step 2: Add CSS


.cursor {
  z-index: 100;
  pointer-events: none;
  position: fixed;
  inset: 0% auto auto 0%;

.cursor-inner {
  width: 2em;

.cursor-inner.pointer {
  width: 2.5em;

/* Hide browser default cursor */
html {
  cursor: none !important;

/* Hide custom cursor and pointer cursor */
  display: none;

/* Show custom cursor only when user is on the site */
html:hover .cursor{
  display: block;

/* Replace normal cursor with pointer on hover of link/button/custom element */
body:has( a:hover) .cursor-inner.pointer,
body:has( button:hover) .cursor-inner.pointer,
body:has( [data-cursor]:hover) .cursor-inner.pointer{
  display: block;
body:has( a:hover) .cursor-inner.regular,
body:has( button:hover) .cursor-inner.regular,
body:has( [data-cursor]:hover) .cursor-inner.regular{
  display: none;

/* Hide custom cursor on touch screens */
@media (hover: none) and (pointer: coarse) {
  .cursor {
    display: none;

Step 2: Add custom Javascript

Custom Javascript in Webflow

In this video, Ilja gives you some guidance about using JavaScript in Webflow:

Step 2: Add Javascript

Step 3: Add Javascript


function initCursor() {
  const cursor = document.querySelector(".cursor");
  const innerElements = cursor.querySelectorAll(".cursor-inner");
  innerElements.forEach(el => = "50% 50%");
  let currentRotation = 0;
  let targetRotation = 0;
  let lastX = 0;
  let lastTime =;
  document.addEventListener("mousemove", e => {
    // Make the cursor follow the actual client position = `translate(${e.clientX}px, ${e.clientY}px)`;
    // Get current time in miliseconds
    const currentTime =;
    // Calculate ellasped time since last move
    const timeDifference = currentTime - lastTime;
    if (timeDifference > 0) {
      const positionDifference = e.clientX - lastX;
      const velocityX = positionDifference / timeDifference;
      // Clamp the rotation between -70 and 70 degrees
      targetRotation = Math.max(Math.min(velocityX * 100, 70), -70);
    lastX = e.clientX;
    lastTime = currentTime;
  // Use a RAF method to match display refresh rate for smoothest result
  function animateRotation() {
    currentRotation += (targetRotation - currentRotation) * 0.1;
    targetRotation += (0 - targetRotation) * 0.05;
    innerElements.forEach(el => = `rotate(${currentRotation}deg)`);

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () =>{

Step 3: Add custom CSS

Step 2: Add custom CSS

Custom CSS in Webflow

Curious about where to put custom CSS in Webflow? Ilja explains it in the below video:


/* Hide browser default cursor */
html {
  cursor: none !important;

/* Hide custom cursor and pointer cursor */
  display: none;

/* Show custom cursor only when user is on the site */
html:hover .cursor{
  display: block;

/* Replace normal cursor with pointer on hover of link/button/custom element */
body:has( a:hover) .cursor-inner.pointer,
body:has( button:hover) .cursor-inner.pointer,
body:has( [data-cursor]:hover) .cursor-inner.pointer{
  display: block;
body:has( a:hover) .cursor-inner.regular,
body:has( button:hover) .cursor-inner.regular,
body:has( [data-cursor]:hover) .cursor-inner.regular{
  display: none;

/* Hide custom cursor on touch screens */
@media (hover: none) and (pointer: coarse) {
  .cursor {
    display: none;


We don't need any libraries or dependencies for this to work. We use the requestAnimationFrame() method to animate the cursor. This generally matches the refresh rate of the display, to make for the smoothest result. For this example we used SVG versions of a custom cursor, which fully replace the native browser cursor. This is of course optional. You could remove all of the CSS that hides the default cursor (check the comments if you're unsure what to delete).


Working with velocity and direction to animate things on your site is a great way to add a sense of interactivity and 'responsiveness' for users. A common use case that I've seen for cursors, is a circle follower (like we have in this resource) that 'squeezes' and rotates as you move. I think something similar can be achieved by scaling and rotating the circle based on the velocity and direction. Haven't tested that myself yet, might become a vault resource in the future!

Resource Details

:has selector

Original source

Ilja van Eck

Creator Credits

We always strive to credit creators as accurately as possible. While similar concepts might appear online, we aim to provide proper and respectful attribution.