Setup: External Scripts
External Scripts in Webflow
Make sure to always put the External Scripts before the Javascript step of the resource.
In this video you learn where to put these in your Webflow project? Or how to include a paid GSAP Club plugin in your project?
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Step 1: Copy structure to Webflow
Copy structure to Webflow
In the video below we described how you can copy + paste the structure of this resource to your Webflow project.
Copy to Webflow
Webflow structure is not required for this resource.
Step 1: Add HTML
<div data-trail="wrapper" class="trail-section">
<h1 class="trail-heading">Cursor Image Trail</h1>
<div class="trail-wrap">
<div class="trail-list">
<div data-trail="item" class="trail-item"><img src="" alt="" class="trail-item__img"></div>
<div data-trail="item" class="trail-item"><img src="" alt="" class="trail-item__img"></div>
<div data-trail="item" class="trail-item"><img src="" alt="" class="trail-item__img"></div>
<div data-trail="item" class="trail-item"><img src="" alt="" class="trail-item__img"></div>
<div data-trail="item" class="trail-item"><img src="" alt="" class="trail-item__img"></div>
<div data-trail="item" class="trail-item"><img src="" alt="" class="trail-item__img"></div>
<div data-trail="item" class="trail-item"><img src="" alt="" class="trail-item__img"></div>
<div data-trail="item" class="trail-item"><img src="" alt="" class="trail-item__img"></div>
<div data-trail="item" class="trail-item"><img src="" alt="" class="trail-item__img"></div>
<div data-trail="item" class="trail-item"><img src="" alt="" class="trail-item__img"></div>
HTML structure is not required for this resource.
Step 2: Add CSS
.trail-section {
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
width: 100%;
height: 100vh;
display: flex;
position: relative;
.trail-heading {
font-size: 3em;
font-weight: 500;
line-height: 1;
.trail-wrap {
z-index: 5;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: absolute;
inset: 0%;
.trail-list {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: relative;
.trail-item {
opacity: 0;
border-radius: .3125em;
width: 15em;
height: 20em;
position: absolute;
overflow: hidden;
.trail-item__img {
object-fit: cover;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
Step 2: Add custom Javascript
Custom Javascript in Webflow
In this video, Ilja gives you some guidance about using JavaScript in Webflow:
Step 2: Add Javascript
Step 3: Add Javascript
function initImageTrail(config = {}) {
// config + defaults
const options = {
minWidth: config.minWidth ?? 992,
moveDistance: config.moveDistance ?? 15,
stopDuration: config.stopDuration ?? 300,
trailLength: config.trailLength ?? 5
const wrapper = document.querySelector('[data-trail="wrapper"]');
if (!wrapper || window.innerWidth < options.minWidth) {
// State management
const state = {
trailInterval: null,
globalIndex: 0,
last: { x: 0, y: 0 },
trailImageTimestamps: new Map(),
trailImages: Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('[data-trail="item"]')),
isActive: false
// Utility functions
const MathUtils = {
lerp: (a, b, n) => (1 - n) * a + n * b,
distance: (x1, y1, x2, y2) => Math.hypot(x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
function getRelativeCoordinates(e, rect) {
return {
x: e.clientX - rect.left,
y: e.clientY -
function activate(trailImage, x, y) {
if (!trailImage) return;
const rect = trailImage.getBoundingClientRect();
const styles = {
left: `${x - rect.width / 2}px`,
top: `${y - rect.height / 2}px`,
zIndex: state.globalIndex,
display: 'block'
Object.assign(, styles);
// Here, animate how the images will appear!
{ autoAlpha: 0, scale: 0.8 },
scale: 1,
autoAlpha: 1,
duration: 0.2,
overwrite: true
state.last = { x, y };
function fadeOutTrailImage(trailImage) {
if (!trailImage) return;
// Here, animate how the images will disappear!, {
opacity: 0,
scale: 0.2,
duration: 0.8,
ease: "expo.out",
onComplete: () => {
gsap.set(trailImage, { autoAlpha: 0 });
function handleOnMove(e) {
if (!state.isActive) return;
const rectWrapper = wrapper.getBoundingClientRect();
const { x: relativeX, y: relativeY } = getRelativeCoordinates(e, rectWrapper);
const distanceFromLast = MathUtils.distance(
if (distanceFromLast > window.innerWidth / options.moveDistance) {
const lead = state.trailImages[state.globalIndex % state.trailImages.length];
const tail = state.trailImages[(state.globalIndex - options.trailLength) % state.trailImages.length];
activate(lead, relativeX, relativeY);
function cleanupTrailImages() {
const currentTime =;
for (const [trailImage, timestamp] of state.trailImageTimestamps.entries()) {
if (currentTime - timestamp > options.stopDuration) {
function startTrail() {
if (state.isActive) return;
state.isActive = true;
wrapper.addEventListener("mousemove", handleOnMove);
state.trailInterval = setInterval(cleanupTrailImages, 100);
function stopTrail() {
if (!state.isActive) return;
state.isActive = false;
wrapper.removeEventListener("mousemove", handleOnMove);
state.trailInterval = null;
// Clean up remaining trail images
// Initialize ScrollTrigger
trigger: wrapper,
start: "top bottom",
end: "bottom top",
onEnter: startTrail,
onEnterBack: startTrail,
onLeave: stopTrail,
onLeaveBack: stopTrail
// Clean up on window resize
const handleResize = () => {
if (window.innerWidth < options.minWidth && state.isActive) {
} else if (window.innerWidth >= options.minWidth && !state.isActive) {
window.addEventListener('resize', handleResize);
return () => {
window.removeEventListener('resize', handleResize);
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
const imageTrail = initImageTrail({
minWidth: 992,
moveDistance: 15,
stopDuration: 350,
trailLength: 8
Step 3: Add custom CSS
Step 2: Add custom CSS
Custom CSS in Webflow
Curious about where to put custom CSS in Webflow? Ilja explains it in the below video:
The code will look for an element with data-trail="wrapper"
on it. This is most likely a specific section or element in which you want to show the trail. Make sure that inside, there's a list of images, each with a data-trail="item"
attribute. A cool feature is that event listeners for mouse movement are only added to the wrapper once it's in view. So there's no unnecessary code being ran if the trail section is not even in view. The code offers the ability to init the trail with some config options, which are explained below!
The trail effect can be initialized with custom options:
minWidth: 992, // Breakpoint in pixels - below this width, the effect is disabled
moveDistance: 15, // Controls how fast images appear (lower = more frequent)
stopDuration: 300, // Time in ms before images start fading when mouse stops
trailLength: 5 // Number of images visible before they start fading out
The function returns a cleanup method that can be stored to manually remove the effect when needed:
const removeFooterTrail = initFooterTrail({...});
// Later, to clean up:
removeFooterTrail(); // Removes all event listeners and stops animations
This is useful when you need to:
- Disable the trail effect programmatically
- Clean up before page transitions in SPAs
- Recreate the trail with different settings
Resource Details
Last updated
February 3, 2025
The Vault
Cursor Animations
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